About Us
Established on September 20, 2016, Wine Tycoon HK (Wine Brotherhood HK Limited) was founded by Mr. Ron ZEE, a dedicated wine enthusiast with extensive experience in the Hong Kong wine industry as an importer in 1998-2020. Wine Tycoon HK is a humble local wine merchant presenting a curated selection of high-quality & value-for-money wines from boutique wineries across Germany, Italy, France, Spain, and more. Our goal is to satisfy the refined palates of the knowledgeable customers in Hong Kong and to ensure their shopping experience with us leaves them with a joyful smile of satisfaction. Hongkongers happy, we happy.
Wine Tycoon HK 醇酒大亨(Wine Brotherhood HK Limited)成立於2016年9月20日,源自創辦人 Ron ZEE 先生對葡萄酒嘅熱情、鍾愛,1998-2020 期間以進口商身份活躍葡萄酒界,運用豐富經驗,為醇酒大亨精心挑選高品質及物超所值嘅葡萄酒。Wine Tycoon HK 醇酒大亨一直引入來自德國、意大利、法國、西班牙等國家嘅精品酒莊,希望可以滿足香港客人、朋友嘅挑剔味蕾,希望大家可以喺另一個葡萄酒世界得到驚喜。當然,同時亦希望香港客人、朋友從中得到滿意、愉快嘅購物體驗。一間獅子山下嘅本土葡萄酒商,香港人開心,我哋就開心。
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